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Alex Lopez: I recently graduated from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), majoring in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and minoring in Writing. Currently, I am pursuing a career in technical writing. For more about me, visit my LinkedIn.



This blog was written as the final project for my Minor in Writing Capstone course. My blog posts examine specific technical documents, analyzing and critiquing choices made by the writers. Typically, I focus on a few key decisions, speculate the reasoning behind those decisions, and recommend revisions. Through this analysis, each post demonstrates important concepts in technical writing.


My blog’s tone is quite different from many other technical writing blogs. Most other blogs I’ve read offer great tips and info… but they don’t really try to be entertaining.


But Alex, isn’t learning a joy in of itself?


Listen, me, I enjoy learning just as much as the other nerds at my school. However, after a long day of classes, reading some of those blogs just feels like another round of homework.


My blog aims to be more entertaining, incorporating humor and a casual tone. It’s still educational, but it strives to be less dry than the typical technical writing blog. Thus, my blog should be much more enjoyable for casual reading.


I chose to write this blog for several reasons. First, analyzing others’ technical writing gave me the opportunity to improve my own writing. By thinking deeply about the decisions made in other works, I can improve my own decision-making process. Of course, I also hope that other technical writers can learn from my analysis and improve their own works.


In addition, I hope my blog will be more accessible for a general audience. By avoiding heavy jargon and incorporating humor, my blog should be enjoyable for those generally interested in writing (even if they don't particularly care for technical writing).

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